Thursday, December 29, 2016

My Life as a Wife

Hey Everyone! I'm Nicole or "Coley" as most of my family and friends call me. I am a wife to my handsome husband, Kyle. We have been married for a little over a year. (12.18.15) Kyle and I met when we were in Elementary school and I started having a crush on him when I was in the 3rd grade. I remember thinking he was cute and being too scared to ever look at him or say a word to him, so that's how well that worked out for me. As we went through middle school, I still had a crush on him, but he was definitely not interested in me, so I started liking other boys and "going out" (is that still a term?) with them, but there was always a part of me wishing and hoping that one day Kyle might pay attention to me. As we approached our Freshmen year of high school, I finally decided that I needed to put my big girl panties on and start talking or flirting (I don't know which :)) with him and that I did. I'm glad I did because it was received pretty well ;). We started dating and we continued on and off throughout our high school years. 

This is the very first photo of us together and it was taken July 4th, 2009

During our Senior year, we were pretty serious and he got his LDS mission call the March before we graduated. Obviously, I was terrified for what would happen during and after his mission. I was pretty sure I wanted to wait and there was a part of me that just wasn't sure what would happen...I mean 2 years seemed like forever. He left July of 2013 and I decided that I was going to wait and date...that's a thing, right? 

This was our "goodbye" hug before he was set apart to serve his 2 year LDS mission in the New Hampshire Manchester mission. 

I faithfully wrote him for the first year and after the first year, I decided that I needed to decide for myself what I really wanted in my life. I kind of wrote him off, but still sent a brief "have a good week" email each week. He always reminds me how confusing that was for him. I thought it was a good idea because it was safe for me. I still sort of had him in my mind, but I was still able to date and not feel as guilty. I dated a ton and I never had a boyfriend or kissed a single boy, but I can say that I dated and got to know several different guys which helped me see and understand what I REALLY wanted in a future spouse. Like they always say, the 2 years FLEW by and before I knew it Kyle was coming home in 2 months. I knew that I really needed to figure out what in the world I was doing, so I started praying to my Father in Heaven and seeking guidance. I was feeling so confused and scared because I didn't want to lead Kyle on and then not have things work out when he got home. Now I can see how silly my worries were, but in the moment they were so real and anxiety provoking. I felt like it was right for me to really wait for Kyle and try dating him when he got home. I prayed about it and I knew that was right for ME. It doesn't work like that for everyone, but it was what I needed and wanted to do. Obviously, it worked out really well for us even though it was so scary and awkward when he came home. 

I was at school when he came home, so when I was able to come home for the weekend, he surprised me at my parents house. This was our first photo taken together after he had returned home. I always tease him because he gained weight on his mission and I gained weight at school. To this day, he has lost around 40 pounds and I've lost around 20. 

It didn't take long for things to work out, he kissed me 4 days after he returned home and I told him I wanted to marry him 5 days after. I can also see now that I should have given him some time and not rushed it. I probably scared the poor guy, but it all worked out how it was supposed to and in the Lord's timing. Kyle returned home July 15th, 2015 and we were married that December. It was quick and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love my husband and the person he is! 

The day we were sealed for time and all eternity in the Logan, UT LDS temple was a spectacular and beautiful day. 

Some things I love about being a wife: 
-Getting to wake up by his side every morning and getting a kiss on the forehead.
-Being able to act like total goofs together without being embarrassed.
-I finally have someone that accepts my sassiness and can respectfully ask me to cool it at times :)
-I get to try all the new recipes that I want and he eats them! It's nice because I'm more critical than he his, haha. 
-I have a permanent dish washer! I cook, he cleans - we create a great team. 
-I have someone that always knows how to make me laugh and smile. 

There are great things about marriage and there are always really hard things about marriage! My hope is that on my blog, I can be real and share with you things I am passionate about in my life!

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